If you would like to know how to start an online business from scratch without having to reinventing the wheel than make sure you watch my video today where I’ll walk you step-by-step how to build an online business from scratch at home.

While you are stuck at home, in self isolation, due to social distancing quarantine, because of the Coronavirus, I want you to do the following to get yourself ready to start your own online business from scratch so that you can start earning money from your new side hustle and better prepare yourself and your family for any future global disaster.

It’s never too late to build your own financial literacy with solid financial education so you can learn how to be your own boss, to be an entrepreneur who not only knows how to earn passive income but also how to make a positive difference in our world and to raise truly money smart kids too!


This is for you if you are ready to make some serious change in your life and take your family’s financial freedom seriously.

It’s for you if you’re ready to roll up your sleeves and take some serious action.

It’s for you if you believe in yourself and your ability to make positive change in our world while creating recurring monthly passive income for your family.

This is for you if you are ready to take responsibily for your own financial future!


This is NOT for you if you are looking for a get-rich-quick system.

This is NOT for you if you are not willing to put in the effort to make your financial future your own responsibily.




STEP 1: Figure out WHAT to sell

Ryan Levesque is the best teacher for helping you figure out what market will stand the test of time, how to use your own natural talents and hobbies to build a solid online business for yourself without wasting years and money trying to sell something that no one wants to buy!

Trust me, I’ve been there and it’s NOT fun!

These two books have helped me so much that I even gave a copy to my daughter for her 17th birthday to help her get her own online business started so she could avoid all the mistakes I’ve made!

“CHOOSE – The Single Most Important Decision Before Starting Your Business”

“ASK – The Counterintuitive Online Method to Discover Exactly What Your Customers Want to Buy . . . Create a Mass of Raving Fans . . . and Take Any Business to the Next Level”

STEP 2: Build Your First Website

It took me years to finally get all the pieces of my online business puzzle to work together.

To have a fully functioning website that actually makes sales over and over again, you need to have a few things in place and to have those pieces actually talking to each other!

  • a website
  • a way to collect and send emails
  • a way to make sales
  • a place to host your product, service or membership
  • a way to serve your customers
  • a secure payment processor
  • and more

It took me over 10 years to get all of these simple website pieces to actually communicate with each other effortlessly. For years, I had to do so much hands on work to get each piece to work together. But it’s so much easier now with the two website platforms that I use today:

KARTRA – The Best All-In-One Online Business Website Platform Currently Available (This is the website platform I use for my online businesses today, Kartra saved my online business after 10 years of struggle!)

I recommend this if you already have an online business idea that you are ready to launch today!

GROOVEPAGES (Currently In BETA) – The FUTURE of your Online Business, from one of the founders of Kartra, Mike Filsaime, is creating a HUGELY improved online business platform that will do even more than Kartra. I will be moving all of my websites over to Groovepages over the next year.

I recommend this if you are just starting out and don’t need the full features until they are released later this year and early next. They are currently allowing a few more Beta Testers in for a few more days for a one time crazy low investment and NO future payments EVER if you get in before they close the door!

As soon as GroovePages is launched I will no longer be recommending Kartra.

STEP 3: Set Up Your Affiliate Sales System

Set up your online business so that you not only can make sales yourself, but have a system in place for other people to sell your products too!

This is one of the most exciting parts of growing your online business from scratch, let other people sell your stuff and give them a small thank-you commission for their help! (This was one of the BIGGEST challenges I had building my online businesses over the years and I’m extremely excited to share that Mike Filsaime has not only made this super easy but …

Plus right now, during COVID 19, he’s letting you get GROOVESELL the Most Powerful Sales and Affiliate Platform for FREE! (No credit card, no fees. Ever! It’s just FREE!)

STEP 4: Launch Your Online Business

The BEST way to start off strong with your online business is to do a Product Launch using Jeff Walker’s “Product Launch Formula”

People buy from people who they like and trust. To get new prospects to like and trust you so they will want to buy your product or service, you need to learn how to give tremendous value for free to create a fan base who line up to invest in what you are selling.

I’ve been a student of Jeff’s since 2010, and I have never found another marketing mentor as powerful and as genuinely authentic and giving as Jeff. I highly recommend you join his FREE online masterclass to make sure you launch your online business the most profitable way possible.


STEP 5: Promote Your Online Business For FREE!

Promoting your online business can be REALLY HARD when you have no idea what you are doing, and it can be EXTREMELY COSTLY if you decide to promote your online business using ads right out of the gate!

Making Cold Sales is incredibly difficult! Making sales to a Warm Market is sooooo much easier!

Why? Because, like I mentioned earlier, we like to buy things from people we like and trust.

So become someone who people like and trust! Simple.

Give a ton of highly valuable content for free to build up that likability and trust. Plus, as an extra bonus, not only will you build up a fan base of customers who are lining up to buy from you but your free valuable content will be shared for free all across social media, because it’s so valuable, and helps people so much, they just want to help share your message with the world.

It’s about creating Win-Win-Win opportunities. Your prospects win, the people they share your content with win, and you win.

It’s taken me over a decade to learn how to do this, take a look at what my journey looked like: Fail, success, fail, fail, fail, success, fail, fail, fail, fail, success, fail, FAIL, success, success, SUCCESS!

So to help you with this part of getting success with your online business from scratch, join my “YouTube Success Secrets” FREE MASTERCLASS!

Learn how of my YouTube video’s, that I use to promote my online business, pays me $200-$300/mo! YES! I get paid to promote my business! I’ll show you how in my Masterclass. Sign up here: https://www.cleverdough.com/youtubesuccesssecrets

There is nothing more fulfilling than spending your time building your own dreams, building your own online business from scratch, rather than building someone else’s dreams by working as their employee.

It’s time to take control of your own financial future. The current COVID 19 pandemic is definitely showing us that for sure!

Sending you my love … hope you found this helpful. Please share this video with someone you know who could really use this right now. Thank-you.

Share this post with your family & friends. Thank-you.

What was online business are you going to start? Let me know in the comments below…


I’m Amanda van der Gulik from https://www.CleverDoughKids.com I have a passion for helping you and your family reach your dreams through inspiration, motivation and teaching you the financial literacy education that you and your child need to succeed in 2020. I’ve been featured on Radio Disney, The Costco Connections Magazine and on numerous Parenting Shows around the world.

Make sure to Subscribe, and hit that notification bell, so you’ll know the minute my next video comes out to inspire and motivate you to achieve your goals with your own online business and to also raise money smart kids

Connect with me:

Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/TeachingChildrenAboutMoneyFans
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/CleverDoughKids/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Amanda_vdGulik
Pinterest: https://www.pinterest.ca/amandavdgulik/
Blog: http://www.teachingchildrenaboutmoney.com/blog/
Amazon: https://www.amazon.com/author/amandavandergulik

What To Watch Next:

Watch my most recent upload: https://goo.gl/h4Bpho
Watch my most popular upload: https://goo.gl/i6qFCf

Watch My Coma Story

How to Raise Money Smart Kids & Teens Playlist

Movie Vision Boards To Grow A Healthy Wealth Mentality

OnineBusiness #PassiveIncome #AmandaVanDerGulik

I hope this will inspire you and that you’ll join me for the FREE masterclass I’m going to be hosting in about a week to show you exactly how to use my YouTube Success Secrets so you can also make money from home during the coronavirus self isolation period.

Click here to sign up for that FREE masterclass here.

Hope you and your family are all staying healthy. Sending you all my love.

Cheers … Amanda … Excited Life Enthusiast! ;o)

P.S. I hope my video today will inspire you. After you watch it, make sure to join me for the FREE masterclass I’m going to be hosting in about a week to show you exactly how to use my YouTube Success Secrets so you can also make money from home during the coronavirus self isolation period.

Click here to sign up for that FREE masterclass here.

If you enjoyed this post and would like to go even deeper into how to raise young entrepreneurs (and learn the secrets to creating passive income as an entrepreneur for yourself too) then make sure you check out this Controversial Parent’s Guide that Reveals How to Raise A Money Smart Kid … even if you never learned how to handle your own money!

The Ultimate Parent’s Guide To Teaching Children & Teens About Money


Goal Setting & Abundance Tools I Use As A Successful Entrepreneur:


ONE MORE FREE GIFT FOR YOU … To thank-you for reading my blog post today, if you are a parent, I have 7 FREE financial literacy education tools for you and your child, including my “The 6 Magical Piggy Banks for kids” cartoon.


Affiliate Disclaimer: If you use any of my links, then I may earn a small commission, at no extra cost to you. Thank-you for supporting my channel. Your success matters!

Posted in financial education, financial literacy, General Updates, Helping Others, Kid Entrepreneurs, make money online, online business, Parenting, Wealth Mentality, youtube success secrets | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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