42 Resources + Printables for Homeschool Families to Teach Kids About Money

Hi, I’m Amanda van der Gulik from www.CleverDoughKids.com and normally I make videos to help parents raise money smart families with strong financial literacy education but today I want to share a special guest post from mint.com with you that I know you will get a lot of value out of to help you with homeschooling your child with new money skills. PLUS 7 Bonus Tools for Teaching Children About Money!

See the guest post below:

42 Resources + Printables for Homeschool Families to Teach Kids About Money

As this time calls for hours spent indoors, it’s the perfect time to teach your kids about money. Mint’s created five fun and free printables to get the “money” conversation going, 42 free resources to teach your kids during this season spent at home, and quick tips for each age group. 

1. Expose them to money and how it’s earned

Start out your money talk even when you’re kids are in first grade. Print out our printable, have your kids cut out each coin and match it up with the correct drawn out name. Not only will they feel like a real winner once they’ve made all the right matches, they’ll know which coins are which when you’re out running errands paying with money.

2. Make money management a fun game

As the weather starts to get warmer, turn money management into a game everyone will want to play. Head to the store and buy all the right ingredients to make the perfect batch of lemonade. Print out our printable and set up lemonade stand with a menu of all your prices. Have your kids handle all the money exchanges and put their coin knowledge to the test.

3. Help your kids build their dream career

When you’re wanting to achieve what seems to be the unachievable, it’s important to set and work towards goals. Print out our goal setting sheet to see what goals your family should start conquering. Whether that may be to play basketball at least once a week, or saving enough to buy that next big toy, encourage your kids to set goals early on.

4. Put your kids in charge of grocery shopping

Really put your kids to the test, and have them participate in your family’s weekly grocery shopping. Print out our grocery shopping list and have your kids write out all the ingredients you will need. Along with that, have them factor in how much you think you will spend on each item. Once you’re back home from the store, compare how much you thought you’d spend and how much you actually did as a family.

5. Help them establish a millionaire mindset

There’s nothing better than sitting down and brainstorming your biggest goals. Print out our business plan printable, sit your kids down, and set the timer. Have them rush to build their best business idea in 10-15 minutes. Whichever business pitch has the best idea and presentation may just win a special prize.

6. Teach investment and credit tools for success

Now, it’s time to start saving. Whether this is the time you’re thinking about going to college or getting your first apartment, you may need some extra cash in the bank to get you there. Start taking up some extra chores around the house, or get a job and play our savings game to reach your goal amount!

Read more…

More Homeschool Resources To Empower Your Child!

About Amanda van der Gulik

I have a passion for helping you and your family reach your dreams through inspiration, motivation and teaching you the financial literacy education that you and your child need to set and achieve your goals in 2020.

If you are ready to achieve your goals and would like to go even deeper into raising your family’s financial literacy, then make sure you check out this Controversial Parent’s Guide that Reveals How to Raise A Money Smart Kid … even if you never learned how to handle your own money!


To thank-you for reading my blog post today, if you are a parent, I have 7 FREE financial literacy education tools for you and your child, including my “The 6 Magical Piggy Banks for kids” cartoon.

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Posted in Childrens Saving, financial education, financial literacy, General Updates, goal setting, Goal Setting For Kids, Kid Entrepreneurs, Kids And Money, Kids Money Management, Money Games, Money Lessons for Children, Parenting, Wealth Mentality | Tagged , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , | Leave a comment

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