Read what others are saying:


Wow, you've done a fantastic job with these. Thank you very much!

You've got some great products...keep it up!
I can only imagine the little lives your are changing.

Russ S.


I love your passion and I love what little I have known of you.
You are a go getter and right-minded thinker...
I like that in a person and is most likely why we attracted this friendship/business relationship.

I just read your book. You have great content!

I love your passion and truly want the best for you (and me).

Christine H. Fl, USA

Hi Amanda,

I'm into the second chapter and have to say that you are a terrific writer!
I can't tear myself away!, for now I'm SUPER impressed! I think this book is going to be an immense help to my little family. I told you before that your energy was outstanding;
I must say that it is flowing right out of your emails and your book! Your family must love being around you!

I don't know the proper way to express my thanks!

Erin G.

Hi Amanda,

I appreciate your enthusism it is magnificent!

Good luck and I can totally appreciate what you are doing.

Thank you for all the work that you do, it will make the world better for the children and their children's children. I will check out your blog...


Cheryl H. : ) Az, USA

Hi Amanda,

I wanted to let you know that I enjoyed your ebook on The Insiders Secret to Teaching Children About Money
You have very good examples of what each child should be learning at a certain age.

The resources like the games and books the children could use was very helpful.

I am glad to see that there are other parents with the same mindset as us.

Thanks again for providing this valuable information!

Maria K.

Hi Amanda,

Congratulations on a truly inspirational eBook.
This eBook is fantastic!

I am thrilled that I made the decision to purchase this gem.
It is easy to read and understand ...I thoroughly enjoyed it and gained so much from the information.

Initially I looked into it in order to help my grandchildren but have gleaned such a wealth of information for myself....a great read....well done!

I highly recommend it for all age groups.

Pauline S.


I loved your eBook! I have been playing Cashflow and attending some of Robert's Real Estate trainings for a couple of months. We bought Cashflow for Kids 8 years ago- I am a homeschooling mom of 3 and wanted to teach my kids about money.


Kay G.

Very professional!!

A must read - amazed at how much good information this eBook contained!! -

All parents need to read this for their children’s future in this day and age when money really matters...!!

R. Obryan, Ontario, Canada


You are a mum in a million.
It is such a blessing to experience your thoughtful care and loving.

With you in it, the whole world is blessed!

Fondest Regards,

Patricia H.

If the above testimonials have convinced you that what I am offering is genuine, don't delay your Child's financial future any more....

Buy Now!
All major Credit cards accepted

To your child's financial freedom,

Cheers.....Amanda van der Gulik.....Excited Life Enthusiast!

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